Saturday, December 18, 2010

I'm Still Here

Hello. I'm still here, I know, don't post many entries.

So how's life?

Well, thank you for asking! I am feeling fully settled into my new home (my first home!), although I will admit to having quite a few things that have not been unpacked (or even opened) since I moved in in January 2010. Shocking? No, not if you know me.

I've been crafting, of course, and this October I bought my first wheel, a Fricke DT. I picked up on it fairly quickly and have even made some yarn already. Not a whole lot, but can definately do something with it. I can't wait for Spa so I can buy some lovely fiber to spin with. I already have a fiber collection going, mostly all of it is Sereknity. (WHEEE!!!!) Also have some white BFL from Webs. And today, I got a call from the Woolery that my niddy noddy is shipping Monday! (Thanks Mamma)

I wanted to knit some christmas gifts this year, but that didn't get very far. I actually just checked out ravelry and see that I have enough yarn to make an Armando hat for my dad, so I'm going to start that tonight, and should be able to complete fairly quickly (fingers crossed!) I figured dad needs an upgrade to his hat (no offense Heather!).

But speaking of Christmas shopping.....ugh. I'm thinking tomorrow is my day to get it done. Earlier this week, they were predicting significant snowfall amounts for sunday and into monday, but I can't really let a little snow hold me back from completing my shopping. Maybe the malls will be less crowded because of the snow? Yeah right. But who knows what significant means, knowing the news forecasters up here, it means an inch, or nothing......just wait 5 minutes, the weather will change.

Ok, off I go to wind a ball of cascade 220 superwash and cast on for an Armando hat, as soon as I finish my tea here at Starbucks. Shit, hope i have the right needles at home! (just a minor detail).


  1. you will be hard-pressed to improve upon the nipple hat. perhaps if you add ear-flaps and a chin-strap.....

  2. oh no! Not a chin strap! I think I can deal with earflaps but not the chin strap. lol Remember he has that velcro effect happening with his bic'd head to hold on his hats.
